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For the production of earth-most concrete products we recommend using our BETRA-DryCast-system.

CemAktiv 808 (face concrete)

  • adding more water while processing consistency remains unchanged

CemAktiv 806 (back concrete)

  • significantly increased compactability with perfect paver sides

EcoPhob® HA (back and face concrete)

  • Basis for the sustainable reduction of secondary efflorescence in the package and in the installed state

Accelerating hydrophobizations

  • Shorter dwell times in the curing chamber and elimination of primary efflorescence

TopGloss T (wet side)

  • Highly durable and fade-proof

SemiDry Pressed

Manufacturing slabs using the hermetic procedure is particularly challenging with regard to the combination of free-flowing concrete and dry core concrete. For this purpose, well-proven and comprehensive product solutions are available.

Kolloment HBP 20 PF (plasticizer in face concrete)

  • Reducing the water/cement ratio while improving flow properties
  • Significantly improved distribution within the mould frame

EcoPhob® HA (back concrete)

  • Lastingly reducing the water absorption through the core concrete
  • Basis for the subsequent high-quality finish

EcoPhob® WA (face concrete)

  • high-purity silane based on specially formulated precursors
  • broadband hydrophobization for subsequent finishing

IntraDuro® TopSeal LEC

  • fast-curing finish in the rolling or spraying process
  • little discolouration surface finish
  • applicable in combination with suitable primer

NanoKoll® UV 100

  • 100% ahydrous UV-curing finish
  • in the rolling procedure on suitable primer as topcoat
  • excellent scratch and weather resistance


Due to the concrete’s high flowability and demoulding at the earliest after 12 hours, special additives and coating solutions are combined.

Kolloment HBP 40 PF (PCE)

  • reducing the water/cement ratio while improving flow properties
  • significantly improved distribution within the mould
  • reducing the air content and improving the exposed concrete’s qualities

EcoPhob® Max

  • high-purity silane based on specially formulated precursors - anhydrous
  • elimination of air void formation and shrinkage
  • broadband hydrophobization for subsequent finishing
  • lastingly reducing the water absorption

NeoBelle Sealer W-R

  • all-purpose sealer in rolling or spraying method
  • Oil and water repellent due to technology with fluorosurfactants
  • little discolouration with low semi-matt gloss

IntraDuro® TopSeal WB - RS

  • deeply penetrating finish in the rolling or spraying process
  • little discolouration
  • as primer and topcoat when applied twice


Fresh concrete mixtures with high water/cement ratios are pressed into immediately demouldable parts by pressing out the water during the production process. In particular, the use of vacuum in the pressing process requires a lot from the system of additives without which the subsequent surface protection would not be possible.

IntraDuro® MoDul MH-R

  • all-purpose hydrophobization
  • rapid implementation of the silane component in the cement paste array
  • high concentration of the agent remains in the concrete
  • small loss of the agent when pressing out the water

SuperSchutz Z-29

  • sealing with enhanced basic protection
  • no decolouration
  • rolling and spraying methode

NeoBelle Sealer W-R - impregnation

  • all-purpose sealer in rolling or spraying method
  • Oil and water repellent due to technology with fluorosurfactants
  • little discolouration with low semi-matt gloss

IntraDuro® TopSeal WB

  • deeply penetrating finish in the rolling or spraying method
  • little discolouration with low semi-matt gloss
  • strong adhesion on particularly smooth and dense subsurfaces


BETRA Beton- und Baustoffverfahrenstechnik GmbH
Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 21
D - 33181 Bad Wünnenberg/ Haaren


phone: +49 (0) 29 57/ 98 40 0
fax: +49 (0) 29 57/ 98 40 99